Embroiderypatch with Filling- and Satinstitch


CMYK, Javascript & device orientation

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function test(event) {
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// s.: https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/native-hardware/device-orientation
var x = Math.round(event.gamma); // In degree in the range [-90,90)
var y = Math.round(event.beta);

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setTimeout(() => {
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yellow.style.top = ((maxY*y/100) + (maxY/2 -100)) + „px“;
}, 1000);

output.textContent = `gamma(x): ${x}\n`;
output.textContent += `beta(y): ${y}\n`;
output.textContent += `MaxX: ${maxX}\n`;
output.textContent += `MaxY: ${maxY}\n`;
output.textContent += `Orient: ${type}\n`;
output.textContent += `Cyan X: ${cyan.style.left}\n`;
output.textContent += `Cyan Y: ${cyan.style.top}\n`;

if(!/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)){
document.location = „index.html“;

window.addEventListener(‚deviceorientation‘, test);




Link only works with a mobile device with device orientation

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