Vertical Drawbot II
With a Digispark microcontroller to prevent intrusive screensavers and monitoring that cannot be switched off.
Vertical Drawbot
Arduino UNO R3, Adafruit Motorshield 2.3, Wantai Stepper Motor (1.8 deg/step, 3.1V, 2.5 A) – Polargraph Controller v2.4.2
FabGarden 2.0
ESP32 is equipped with a DHT11 air pressure and temperature sensor, a capacitive analog hygrometer, a GY-302 BH170 light sensor and – for on-site output – a 1.3 inch IPS TFT LCD display 240 * 240 color HD LCD screen. The accumulated data is sent to the WLAN via MQTT – a relay is already integrated for the subsequent operation of a pump.
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FabGarden 1.0